Cobus van der Walt, South African

Education: Paul Roos Gymnasium, University of Pretoria Fine Arts Information Design Degree

Each one of van der Walt’s works is signed with a simple ‘Cab’ - the name the artist is most at home with. Another of Van der Walt’s trademarks are his innovative system of titling his paintings. ‘Cabtography’, as he’s coined it, works by inserting the geographical coordinates of the scene captured on the particular canvas. Thus, each painting is located in an actual context, emphasizing the fundamental importance of place and space. Has a ‘name-drop’ list of note.

Lives in Stellenbosch-single..

Likes: Okavango, coral reefs, moon phases, precision engineering, otters, Kalahari, Pink Floyd, owls, helicopters, riverine forests, sweetlips, raw sienna, Hong Kong, star maps, ferns, dry riverbeds, night jars, smell of wood smoke, companionable silence, KD 

Dislikes: traffic, space invaders, loud, tsunamis, admin, weed eaters, fireworks, waste, african time, his neighbours

After the new conceptual imaginations we go to the more familiar depiction in the wild gallery. I move here with the familiarity of old. Then to the dirty medium of charcoal so fitting to the theme. Lastly, we take to the water.

 You must be content to follow with me the unbeaten track, nor scold me too severely for loitering among its wayside flowers. That is to be the understanding between us. Shall we set forth?


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